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【信息速递-学术论文】Call for Papers|Session of AAPA: Innovation in Intergovernmental, Inter-jurisdictional, and Regional Collaboration


The 2022 Annual Conference of the

Asian Association for Public Administration (AAPA)

December 3-4th, 2022, Shanghai, China

Call for Papers: Innovation in Intergovernmental, Inter-jurisdictional, and Regional Collaboration: A comparative perspective

Organization: School of Government, Central University of Finance and Economics


For decades, regional governance has become an important form in response to the challenges of economic globalization, social provision or environmental problems. In order to deal with a series of cross-boundary issues in the process of regional governance, such as watershed management, air pollution control, transport infrastructure construction, enclave economy etc., based on different discipline theories, public administrators in different countries and regions have adopted a variety of methods in promoting intergovernmental, inter-jurisdictional and interregional collaboration and management. What innovative strategies have been used in practice? Why and by whom are these strategies adopted? How and how far do these strategies achieve effective regional governance?

In this session, we invite papers investigating the distinct logics and critical clues at work in diverse regional collaboration processes, especially to focus on the cross-regional collaborative governance practices among different countries, regions, and disciplines from a comparative perspective. Possible topics include but are not limited to:

1.A comparation of innovative intergovernmental collaboration approaches in addressing emergency issues in different regions

2.Difficulties and resistances, e.g., about law, economy and politics, to establish sustainable regional collaboration in different countries/regions

3.Institutional mechanisms enacted and practiced by the central and local governments to improve the horizontal relations in specific national and regional governance cases

4.How intergovernmental collaboration in different countries/regions adapts to the new situation: comparative cases and comparison

5.Strengthening collaborations between regional municipalities in response to the COVID-19


Paper abstracts (limited to one page in length) should include the following information: (1) the name, title, institutional affiliation, address, and a short bio of each contributing author; (2) email address; (3) paper title; and (4) abstract including references. Proposed papers should present high-quality theoretical, qualitative, or quantitative research.

Please send abstracts to 0020220066@cufe.edu.cn and cc to appaoffice@163.com.

Please note if the abstract has been submitted via the AAPA link, you do not need to mail us again.


Paper Abstract Submission Deadline: September 25th, 2022

Notification of Acceptance/Rejection to Authors: October 1st, 2022

Final Paper Submission Deadline and Online Registration: November 1st, 2022

Conference Check-in: December 2th, 2022

Conference Date: December 3th -4th, 2022

All presenters must register for the conference in order to have their presentation scheduled in the conference program.


There is no registration fee for both online and on-site participation (if the pandemic situation allows). On-site participants are expected to cover their own travel cost and local expenses. More detailed information on the Online Registration will be available in October of 2022.


The main conference and the parallel sessions will be held at Xuhui Campus, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 1954 Huashan Road, Xuhui, Shanghai. More detailed information about the conference venue and accommodations will be available in due course.


The authors of accepted papers in this conference will be contacted and invited to submit manuscripts to one of the following journals: Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory (to be confirmed) ASU, International Review of Administrative Science (to be confirmed), Urban Studies (to be confirmed), Public Administration and Policy, Urban Governance. Guest editors of the symposiums are encouraged to organize closed-door workshops to polish research designs and prepare peer reviews for each journal.


The AAPA President will present the Best Paper Award to the author(s) who deliver the best papers(s) selected by a committee. To be considered for awards, the author(s) must submit the full paper to the conference organizer by the due date and complete the registration form.


To get more information about the conference and AAPA, please visit  http://aapa.asia/ If you have other questions, comments, or concerns regarding conference submissions, please contact 0020220066@cufe.edu.cn.